The Hilarious Presidential Debate of Three Worthy Youths

In a high school in the United States, there were three ambitious youths, Sarah, Alex, and John, who all believed they were worthy of being the President of the United States. They decided to hold a presidential debate to prove their worthiness.

The debate began with Sarah, who argued that her passion for social justice and her strong leadership skills made her the best candidate. Alex, the second debater, countered by highlighting his experience in student government and his plans for improving the education system.

John, the final debater, confidently took the stage and declared that he was the only candidate who could bring the country together and solve its problems. He promised to make America great again.

As the debate continued, the three youths became increasingly passionate and competitive. They interrupted each other, raised their voices, and made bold statements.

Suddenly, the moderator asked a question that caught them off guard. "If you were stranded on a desert island and could only bring one thing, what would it be?"

Sarah quickly answered, "I would bring a water filtration system so I could have clean drinking water."

Alex said, "I would bring a satellite phone so I could call for help."

John paused for a moment before answering, "I would bring a photo of myself, so I could remind myself of how great I am."

The audience erupted into laughter, and even Sarah and Alex couldn't help but chuckle. John realized his mistake and quickly corrected himself, saying he meant to bring a knife to help with survival.

The debate continued, but the memory of John's hilarious answer lingered in the minds of the audience. They couldn't help but laugh every time they thought about it.

In the end, the three youths realized that being President of the United States was not just about having the right answers or being the best debater. It was about having a sense of humor, being relatable, and knowing how to connect with people.

In conclusion, humor is an essential part of life, even in serious situations like a presidential debate. The three youths learned that a little laughter can go a long way in making people remember and appreciate them. We should never take ourselves too seriously and always be willing to laugh at our mistakes.

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