In the sky, there was a moon who never bathed. She had a beautiful glow, but she was always dirty and covered in smudges. The other celestial bodies in the sky were getting tired of her bad hygiene, and they decided to hold an intervention.
The stars, planets, and sun gathered around the moon and said, "Moon, we love you, but you need to start taking care of yourself. You're always covered in dirt and grime, and it's affecting our view of you."
The moon was taken aback by the intervention. She didn't realize that her bad hygiene was affecting the other celestial bodies. She promised to start taking baths and to become a cleaner and more hygienic moon.
The other celestial bodies were happy to hear this and gave her a round of applause. The moon was determined to keep her promise, and she started taking baths every day.
But things didn't go as planned. Every time she took a bath, she would soak up too much water and become too heavy to float in the sky. She would fall to the ground, causing tidal waves and floods.
The other celestial bodies were getting frustrated. They realized that the moon's bad hygiene was not as bad as the consequences of her bathing. They decided to hold another intervention.
They gathered around the moon and said, "Moon, we appreciate your efforts to become cleaner, but you're causing more harm than good. We would rather have a dirty moon than a moon that causes tidal waves and floods."
The moon realized that they were right. She apologized for causing so much trouble and promised to never take a bath again.
The other celestial bodies were relieved and happy to hear this. The moon continued to shine brightly in the sky, and although she was still dirty, the other celestial bodies had come to appreciate her for who she was, smudges and all.
In conclusion, sometimes we can be too hard on ourselves and try to change things that don't need changing. The moon realized that her bad hygiene was not as bad as the consequences of her bathing. We should learn to accept ourselves for who we are and not try to change ourselves to please others. The moon may be dirty, but she's still beautiful and valuable in the sky.
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