The April Fools' Joke in March

The April Fools' Joke in March

Once upon a time, there was a small town where the people loved to play pranks on each other. April Fools' Day was their favorite holiday, and they would spend weeks planning the most outrageous jokes to play on their friends and family.

One year, a mischievous group of friends decided they wanted to play a prank on the entire town, but they didn't want to wait until April. They wanted to do it in March, just to catch everyone off guard.

The group, led by a woman named Lucy, spent weeks planning the prank. They wanted to make it big, something that the town would never forget.

Finally, the day of the prank arrived. Lucy and her friends woke up early and began their preparations. They covered the town in fake snow, put up Christmas lights and decorations, and even had a Santa Claus walking around town, handing out candy canes.

The people of the town were confused and amazed. They had never seen anything like this before, especially not in March.

As the day went on, the pranks got even more outrageous. One group of friends had set up a fake beach in the town square, complete with sand, palm trees, and a kiddie pool.

Another group had replaced all the street signs in town with ones that had the names spelled backwards.

But the biggest prank of all was yet to come. Lucy and her friends had set up a fake time machine in the town center. They convinced everyone to come and see the amazing invention that would allow them to travel through time.

As the crowd gathered around the time machine, Lucy stepped up to the microphone. "Ladies and gentlemen," she announced, "we have successfully traveled through time. It is now April 1st."

The crowd erupted in cheers and laughter. They had all been fooled, and they loved it.

From that day on, March 31st became known as the unofficial April Fools' Day in the town. And every year, Lucy and her friends would plan a new prank, always trying to top the previous year's joke.

But they never quite managed to outdo the year they fooled the entire town into thinking they had traveled through time.

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