You Talking to Me? Robert De Niro Answers Tricky Questions with Humor

Robert De Niro

Robert De Niro was a legendary actor, known for his tough-guy roles in movies like "Goodfellas" and "Taxi Driver." He was also a master at answering tricky questions with humor. One day, a group of reporters gathered to ask him some tough questions about his career and personal life.

"Mr. De Niro, you've played some of the most iconic gangsters in film history. Do you think you could take down a real-life mob boss?" one reporter asked.

De Niro chuckled. "Well, I wouldn't want to try. I might end up sleeping with the fishes."

Another reporter asked, "You've worked with Martin Scorsese on so many films. What's the secret to your successful collaboration?"

De Niro smiled. "The secret is that I let him think he's the boss. But we both know who really calls the shots."

A third reporter chimed in, "Your performances are always so intense and authentic. How do you prepare for a role?"

De Niro leaned in and whispered, "I just channel my inner crazy person."

The reporters laughed, but one of them wasn't satisfied. "You've had such an incredible career. Is there anything you regret?"

De Niro thought for a moment before responding. "I regret not playing a superhero. Can you imagine me in a spandex suit?"

The room erupted in laughter.

As the press conference wound down, a young reporter nervously approached De Niro. "Mr. De Niro, I'm a big fan, but I have to ask: Are you talking to me?"

De Niro grinned. "Of course I'm talking to you. Who else would I be talking to?"

The young reporter blushed and thanked him before scurrying away.

De Niro turned to the rest of the reporters. "See, that's how you ask a tough question."

The room laughed once again, and De Niro exited with a grin on his face. He may have played some of the most serious characters in film history, but when it came to answering tricky questions, he always had a sense of humor.

The reporters left the press conference feeling entertained and amused. They may not have learned everything they wanted to know about De Niro's life and career, but they certainly had a good time trying. And as for De Niro, he continued to show the world that he was not only a tough guy on the big screen, but also a funny guy in real life.

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