The Wise Professor and the Stubborn Security Guard

The Wise Professor and the Stubborn Security Guard

It was another day of the week, and a professor named Dr. Johnson was heading towards the entrance of his university. As he walked, he noticed a security guard who was yelling at a group of students, accusing them of violating the university's dress code.

The professor walked up to the security guard and asked what was going on. The security guard, whose name was George, explained that the students were violating the dress code by wearing shorts that were too short. The professor listened patiently and then tried to reason with George, explaining that the dress code did not specifically state the length of shorts that were allowed, and that it was unfair to penalize the students based on his own interpretation.

But George was stubborn and refused to listen to the professor's reasoning. The argument escalated, with George insisting that he had the final say as the security guard and Dr. Johnson insisting that he was a respected professor with a better understanding of the rules.

Their argument caught the attention of several students who began to gather around them, curious to see what was happening. The tension between the two continued to rise until Dr. Johnson came up with an idea to settle the matter.

"I have a proposal, George. How about we go to the dean's office and let him decide who is right?" the professor said.

George agreed to the proposal, and they both went to see the dean. Upon hearing their arguments, the dean took a moment to think before finally coming to a decision.

"Dr. Johnson, I'm sorry to say this, but George is right. The dress code clearly states that shorts are not allowed, and therefore, the students are in violation," the dean said.

The professor was taken aback, but he respected the decision of the dean. As he was about to leave, the dean called out to him.

"Dr. Johnson, I have a question for you. You are a professor and a man of science. How come you were so sure that George was wrong?" the dean asked.

The professor smiled and replied, "Well, that's simple. George is a security guard, and security guards are not qualified to interpret the rules of the university. Only the dean has the authority to interpret them."

The dean was impressed by the professor's quick thinking and thanked him for his valuable insight. As for George, he was embarrassed by his mistake, but he learned an important lesson that day.

From that day on, George was more careful in interpreting the rules of the university. As for the professor, he continued to inspire his students with his wisdom and his quick wit.

The end.

In conclusion, this story teaches us the importance of respecting the rules of the university and the authority of those who are qualified to interpret them. It also shows us how even a stubborn person can learn from their mistakes and grow from them. The title "The Wise Professor and the Stubborn Security Guard" reflects the humorous tone of the story and captures the attention of readers who may be interested in a light-hearted tale.

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