Funny Chat Four Friends on the Bus : 3

Once upon a time, four friends decided to take a yellow bus to go on a road trip. As they boarded the bus, they were surprised to see how yellow it was.

"Wow, this is one yellow bus," said the first friend, "I've never seen a yellow bus before."

"Me neither," said the second friend, "It looks like a giant banana."

The third friend, who was known for his sense of humor, said, "Maybe it's the bus of the Minions."

All four friends burst into laughter. The driver, who overheard their conversation, joined in and said, "Maybe it's the bus of the Smurfs."

During the journey, the four friends continued to joke about the yellow bus and the various creatures it could belong to. They made up songs about the yellow bus and even pretended to be the characters from their jokes.

As they approached their destination, the fourth friend pointed out the window and shouted, "Look, there's a yellow house!"

"That's it!" said the first friend, "This bus must belong to the family of the Yellow Submarine!"

The friends continued to laugh and joke, even as they got off the bus and continued on their journey. The yellow bus and its memories stayed with them for a long time, bringing a smile to their faces whenever they thought about it.

In the end, the yellow bus became a symbol of their friendship and the silly memories they shared on their road trip. The friends never forgot the yellow bus and always looked back on their journey with fondness.

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