The Black Box Blunder

King Henry was the ruler of a small kingdom known for its technologically advanced society. However, he was always curious about the strange black box that sat on his desk. No one knew what it was or what it did.

One day, King Henry decided to finally find out what the black box was all about. He asked his advisors, but they didn’t know either. He even asked his kingdom’s top scientists, but they were equally stumped.

King Henry was determined to uncover the mystery of the black box, so he asked one of his court jesters to see if he could figure it out. The court jester was known for his quick wit and clever humor, but he was also known for his love of practical jokes.

The court jester approached the black box and began to tinker with it. Suddenly, the room was filled with a bright light and strange noises. King Henry and his courtiers were stunned.

The court jester stepped back from the black box, a smug look on his face. “I think I figured it out, your majesty,” he announced. “It’s a time machine.”

King Henry’s eyes lit up. “A time machine? Really?” he asked. “Yes, your majesty,” the court jester replied, still sporting his mischievous grin.

King Henry was eager to try out the time machine, so he stepped into the bright light and disappeared. His courtiers were shocked, but the court jester just shrugged his shoulders and said, “Well, he’s the king. He’ll figure it out.”

A few minutes later, King Henry reappeared in the room, looking dazed and disoriented. “What happened?” he asked. “Where did I go?”

The court jester stepped forward and said, “Well, your majesty, I may have made a mistake. The black box is not actually a time machine. It’s just a really fancy power cable.”

King Henry was furious. “A power cable? You mean I just wasted my time?” he asked. The court jester just shrugged and said, “Well, at least now you know what the black box is for.” King Henry was not amused, but he couldn’t help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation. From that day on, the black box was known as the “King Henry Time Machine” and was the subject of many a court jester’s joke.

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