The Elevator Adventure

It was a typical Monday morning in the office building, and everyone was rushing to get to work on time. John, a young accountant, was running late as usual, and his only hope of making it to his desk before the boss arrived was the elevator.
As he stepped inside the elevator, he noticed that the buttons for all the floors were missing. "Great, just what I need," he thought to himself.
Just then, the doors closed and the elevator began to move...upwards. "Wait, I needed to go down!" John exclaimed.
As the elevator continued to rise, John started to panic. He pushed every button he could find, but nothing seemed to work. Suddenly, the elevator came to a halt and the doors opened to reveal a dark, musty basement.
"What the...?" John muttered, peeking out of the elevator. He couldn't see anything in the darkness, so he hesitantly stepped out.
That's when he heard a loud hissing sound and a bright light shone in his face. "Who's there?" John called out, shielding his eyes.
A voice answered, "Relax, it's just me. I'm the elevator inspector." The inspector then proceeded to explain that the buttons had been removed for maintenance and that the elevator was on its way to the roof for a routine check.
John couldn't help but laugh at the silly situation he found himself in. He and the inspector spent the next few hours on the roof, drinking coffee and chatting about their weekends.
When the maintenance was finally done, the inspector sent John back down to his floor with a much-needed jolt of caffeine.
John arrived at his desk with a new appreciation for the mundane elevator rides he took for granted every day. And he couldn't wait to tell his coworkers about his unexpected adventure.

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