The Great Big Bash

Once upon a time, in a kingdom far far away, the king decided to throw the biggest and grandest party in all the land. News of the event spread quickly, and everyone was excited to attend the celebration.

The day of the party arrived, and the kingdom was filled with the sound of laughter, music, and chatter. People came from far and wide to participate in the festivities, dressed in their finest attire and ready to have a good time.

As the night went on, the king realized that he had forgotten to make arrangements for the food and drinks. He frantically scoured the kingdom, searching for something to feed his guests, but to no avail.

Just then, a young baker appeared before the king. He told the king that he had the solution to his problem, and offered to make a giant loaf of bread for the party. The king was skeptical at first, but the baker convinced him to give it a try.

The baker worked tirelessly through the night, baking the biggest loaf of bread anyone had ever seen. It was so big that it took two horses just to carry it to the party. When the guests saw the bread, they were amazed!

The king decided to cut the bread into slices and serve it as food for the party. Everyone was thrilled to taste the bread, and it quickly became the talk of the town. People were laughing, chatting and having a great time, all while enjoying the delicious bread.

As the party came to a close, the king was filled with gratitude towards the baker. He declared that the bread would be known as the "Proud Bread" and that it would be served at every celebration from that day forward.

The young baker was elated at the recognition, and his reputation as a master baker spread throughout the kingdom. He went on to become the official baker of the royal court, and his bread was served at every grand celebration and feast.

And so, the story of the Proud Bread and the Great Big Bash lived on, passed down from generation to generation, reminding people of the joy and laughter that can be found when good food and good company come together.

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