The Great Escape from the Big Smoking Room

There once was a man named Joe who lived in a small apartment. He was a heavy smoker and loved to smoke cigars. However, his apartment was too small for him to smoke indoors, so he would always go to the local pub to smoke.

One day, Joe stumbled upon a new pub that had just opened up. It was a grand pub with high ceilings, chandeliers, and a huge smoking room. It was perfect for Joe! He could smoke to his heart's content in peace.

On Joe's first visit to the pub, he went straight to the smoking room, lit up a cigar, and settled into a comfortable armchair. He was in heaven.

Suddenly, the door to the smoking room burst open and in walked the pub's owner, a gruff man with a stern expression. He marched over to Joe and declared, "I'm sorry, sir, but this is a non-smoking room."

Joe was shocked. He had never heard of such a thing. He quickly put out his cigar and looked around the room. Sure enough, there wasn't a single ashtray or sign of smoke.

The pub owner went on to explain that the smoking room was actually a time machine. When someone lit up a cigar or cigarette, it sent them back in time to the year 1950.

Joe was skeptical at first, but he decided to give it a try. He lit up a cigar and within seconds, he was transported back in time.

When he opened his eyes, he found himself in the middle of a bustling 1950s city. The cars were different, the clothes were different, and the people were different.

Joe had a blast exploring the city and observing the differences between 1950 and his time. However, after a few hours, he started to get nervous. He had no idea how to get back to the present day.

Joe wandered the city for days, trying to find a way back to the present. Eventually, he stumbled upon the pub again and remembered the owner's explanation about the smoking room being a time machine.

Joe ran back to the pub, burst into the smoking room, and lit up a cigar. Within seconds, he was back in the present day. He was overjoyed to be back and promised never to take the time machine for granted again.

From that day on, Joe visited the pub regularly, always taking the time to smoke a cigar in the big smoking room and marvel at the wonders of time travel.

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