The Little Candels


Once upon a time, there were four friends who were chatting on a bus. They were all discussing the latest trends in home decor when one of them brought up candles.

"I just love candles," said the first friend. "They create such a warm and cozy atmosphere."

"I agree," said the second friend. "But have you ever seen the tiny little candles they sell? They're so cute!"

"I have a whole collection of them," chimed in the third friend. "I even have one shaped like a cactus!"

The fourth friend, who had been quiet up until this point, spoke up. "I have a confession to make. I don't really understand the appeal of candles. I mean, they just sit there and burn. What's the big deal?"

The other three friends looked at each other in shock. "How can you not like candles?" they exclaimed in unison.

The fourth friend just shrugged. "I don't know, I just don't. But I'll try to see the appeal, for your sake."

The rest of the bus ride was filled with the friends trying to convince the fourth friend of the joys of candles. They described the different scents, the different shapes and sizes, and even the different ways to display them.

By the end of the ride, the fourth friend was starting to see the appeal of candles. "Maybe they're not so bad after all," they said with a smile.

The three candle-loving friends cheered and high-fived each other. "See, we told you!" they said.

From that day on, the fourth friend became a candle enthusiast just like the rest of them. They all went on many candle shopping trips together, adding to their collections and discovering new scents and shapes.

And so, the little candles brought the four friends even closer together, proving that sometimes, all it takes is a little persuasion and a change of heart.

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