The Treasure Hunter

Once upon a time, in a small town, there was a digger named Dudley. Dudley was a hardworking and dedicated digger, but he had a funny habit of getting into mischief.

One day, Dudley was digging a trench for a new water main when he came across a buried treasure. Excited by his find, Dudley dug up the chest and opened it to find that it was filled with gold coins and jewels.

Dudley was so ecstatic that he started to dance and sing, "I'm rich! I'm rich!" His coworkers, who had been working nearby, were curious about the commotion and came over to see what was going on.

When they saw Dudley dancing with the treasure chest, they started to laugh. "Dudley, what are you doing?" one of them asked.

Dudley replied, "I'm rich! I've found a treasure chest!"

His coworkers were skeptical and told Dudley that he was probably just seeing things. But Dudley was insistent, and he even showed them the chest filled with the gold coins and jewels.

After some investigation, they discovered that the chest was actually a decoration from a nearby pirate-themed restaurant. The restaurant owners had buried it in the ground as part of a treasure hunt for the children in the town.

Dudley was embarrassed, but everyone had a good laugh about it. From then on, Dudley was known as the digger who found the "treasure" and was always ready with a smile and a funny story to tell.

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