Bunny Business in the Flower Garden

Bunny Business in the Flower Garden
Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved spending time in her flower garden. One day, while she was tending to her flowers, she noticed a cute little bunny hopping around. The bunny had soft, fluffy fur and big, floppy ears.

Lily was delighted to see the bunny and decided to befriend it. She offered it some carrots and lettuce from her garden, and soon the bunny was happily munching away. As Lily watched the bunny eat, she couldn't help but notice how cute and fluffy it was.

Suddenly, the bunny started to grow and grow until it was the size of a large dog! Lily couldn't believe her eyes as the bunny continued to grow and grow until it was as big as a house! The bunny looked down at Lily and gave her a friendly nuzzle with its nose.

Lily was amazed by the bunny's transformation and decided to take a closer look. As she approached the bunny, she saw that its fur had turned bright pink and was now sparkling with glitter. The bunny had also sprouted a pair of wings and was now able to fly!

Lily was thrilled to have a new friend who could fly, and the two of them spent the rest of the day playing together in the flower garden. They flew around, chasing each other and having fun.

As the sun began to set, the bunny started to shrink back down to its original size. Lily watched in amazement as the bunny's wings disappeared and its fur returned to its original soft, fluffy state.

The bunny gave Lily a wink and a nod before hopping off into the distance. Lily was sad to see her new friend go but knew that they would meet again soon.

From that day forward, Lily spent every day in her flower garden, hoping that her cute, fluffy little bunny friend would return. And whenever she saw a bunny hopping around, she couldn't help but wonder if it was her magical friend, all grown up again and ready to play.

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