The Clever Joke : Crack the Eggs

The Clever Joke

Once upon a time, there was a small village nestled in a remote corner of the world. The villagers were a jolly lot and loved to tell jokes. One day, a wise old man came to the village and announced that he would give a prize to the person who could tell the cleverest joke.

The villagers were excited, and they all began to think of clever jokes to tell. The first villager stepped forward and told a joke about a man who was so forgetful that he forgot to put on his pants. The villagers chuckled, but the wise old man didn't seem impressed.

The second villager told a joke about a man who wanted to be a comedian but couldn't tell a joke to save his life. The villagers laughed, but the wise old man remained unimpressed.

The third villager told a joke about a man who went to a doctor and said, "Doc, it hurts when I do this," and the doctor replied, "Then don't do that." The villagers chuckled, but the wise old man didn't seem impressed.

Finally, a young boy stepped forward. He looked up at the wise old man and said, "Sir, I have a joke, but I need your help to tell it."

The wise old man was intrigued and asked the boy to go ahead.

The boy said, "Sir, can you please hold this egg?"

The wise old man took the egg and held it carefully.

"Thank you, sir," said the boy. "Now, can you hold this second egg?"

The wise old man was puzzled, but he took the second egg and held it in his other hand.

"Thank you, sir," said the boy. "Now, can you please crack the eggs together?"

The wise old man was confused but did as the boy asked. He cracked the eggs together, and they made a loud cracking sound.

"Now, sir," said the boy. "That was the cleverest joke of them all!"

The wise old man was amazed, and the villagers cheered. The boy had won the prize for the cleverest joke, and everyone was delighted.

From that day on, the boy was known as the village jester, and he continued to make the villagers laugh with his clever jokes. And whenever someone asked him what his secret was, he would simply smile and say, "You just have to know how to crack a joke!"

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