The Clever Joke : Why did the chicken cross the road?

Why did the chicken cross the road?
It was a beautiful summer day, and a group of friends had decided to take a walk in the park. As they were walking, they saw a man sitting on a bench, looking sad and lonely.

One of the friends, a man named John, decided to go and talk to him. He sat down next to the man and asked him what was wrong.

The man looked up at John and said, "I'm feeling really down today. I could use a good laugh."

John, who loved telling jokes, decided to cheer the man up with a clever joke. He said, "Why did the tomato turn red?"

The man looked at John, puzzled. "I don't know. Why?"

"Because it saw the salad dressing!" John replied with a big grin on his face.

The man laughed so hard that tears came to his eyes. "That's hilarious!" he said. "You really have a talent for telling jokes."

John was feeling pretty good about himself, so he decided to tell another joke. "Why did the chicken cross the road?"

The man looked at John with anticipation. "I don't know. Why?"

"To get to the other side!" John said, laughing at his own joke.

The man chuckled, but then he got a serious look on his face. "You know, John, I've heard those jokes before. They're not really that clever."

John was taken aback. "What do you mean? Those are classic jokes. Everyone loves them."

The man shook his head. "I'm sorry, John. But I think you can do better than that."

John was determined to prove the man wrong. He thought and thought, and finally he came up with what he thought was the cleverest joke ever.

"Okay, get ready for this one," John said, grinning. "Why did the coffee file a police report?"

The man looked at John, intrigued. "I don't know. Why?"

"Because it got mugged!" John exclaimed, bursting into laughter.

The man stared at John for a moment, then burst out laughing too. "That's amazing!" he said. "You really are the king of jokes!"

John felt a huge sense of relief. He had proved to the man that he was truly clever, and that his jokes were hilarious.

As John and his friends walked away, the man continued to chuckle to himself. He had met a true master of comedy that day, and he knew that he would never forget the clever joke that John had told him.

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