The Hilarious Adventures of the Mighty Majapahit Army

majapahit army
 Once upon a time in ancient Java, there was a great kingdom named Majapahit. The kingdom was known for its powerful army, feared by its enemies. The army was led by a brave and cunning general named Gajah Mada.

One day, the king of Majapahit ordered Gajah Mada to lead his army to conquer a neighboring kingdom. Gajah Mada, being a loyal and fearless general, assembled his army and marched towards the enemy kingdom.

However, on the way to the enemy kingdom, the army encountered a small village. The villagers, who had never seen such a large army before, were frightened and ran away in fear. All except for a small child who was left behind.

The child approached Gajah Mada and asked, "Sir, what is the purpose of this army?" Gajah Mada proudly replied, "We are here to conquer our enemies and bring glory to our kingdom!"

The child, unimpressed by Gajah Mada's response, said, "Oh, so you are just a bunch of bullies picking on the weak? That's not very impressive."

Gajah Mada, taken aback by the child's words, asked, "What do you suggest we do then?"

The child replied, "Why don't you use your army to do something good? Like help the farmers in this village or build a school for the children."

Gajah Mada was surprised by the child's wisdom and decided to take his advice. He ordered his army to help the farmers plow their fields and build a school for the children.

The villagers were grateful for the army's help and welcomed them with open arms. The army soon realized that helping the villagers was much more rewarding than conquering kingdoms.

From that day on, Gajah Mada and his army became known not only for their power but also for their kindness and generosity. The small child became a hero in the village, and Gajah Mada gained a new perspective on the true purpose of his army.

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