The Professor's Dilemma

The Professor's Dilemma
Professor Jameson was known for his tough questions that always left his students scratching their heads. But when he posed a particularly difficult one to a group of students during a seminar, he didn't expect to get an unexpected response from an unlikely source.

As he finished his lecture, Professor Jameson asked the class, "Can anyone tell me the answer to this question: if a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?"

The class fell silent, unsure of how to answer the question. But in the back of the room, a janitor named Dave was sweeping the floor and listening intently.

Dave had always been curious about the world around him, but he had never had the opportunity to go to college. Still, he knew he had a unique perspective that might help him answer the professor's question.

So, he stepped forward and said, "Professor, I believe I have the answer to your question."

The professor was surprised but intrigued. "Please, enlighten us," he said.

"Well," Dave said confidently, "I believe that sound is not just a physical phenomenon, but also a perceptual one. So, if a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, then there is no sound because there is no one there to perceive it."

The class was stunned, and the professor was impressed. "That's a very interesting answer, Dave," he said. "But how did you come up with that?"

Dave smiled. "I've spent a lot of time thinking about things like this, sir. It's just something that makes sense to me."

The professor nodded. "Well, you certainly have a unique perspective, Dave. Thank you for sharing it with us."

As Dave returned to his work, he couldn't help but feel proud of himself. He had never been considered an intellectual, but in that moment, he had proved that sometimes the most unexpected people can have the most insightful answers.

And as for the professor, he couldn't wait to tell his colleagues about the janitor who had outsmarted him with a simple but profound answer to one of life's most enduring questions.

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