Thor's Tricky Questions


Thor, the mighty God of Thunder, was known for his strength and bravery, but not so much for his intelligence. One day, he decided to prove himself by asking his friends and family some tricky questions.

He began by asking his brother, Loki, "What has a heart that doesn't beat?" Loki thought for a moment before replying, "A artichoke, brother."

Thor was impressed, but not deterred. He then turned to his father, Odin, and asked, "What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a bed but never sleeps?" Odin smiled and replied, "A river, my son."

Next, Thor asked his friend, the Avengers' resident genius, Tony Stark, "What has a head and a tail but no body?" Tony furrowed his brow and thought for a moment before admitting defeat. "I'm stumped, Thor. What's the answer?" Thor grinned and replied, "A coin, my friend."

Feeling quite pleased with himself, Thor continued to ask more and more questions. He asked his fellow Avenger, the Hulk, "What starts with an E, ends with an E, but only contains one letter?" The Hulk scratched his head, but couldn't come up with an answer. "Envelope, my friend," Thor said triumphantly.

Finally, Thor asked the most difficult question yet. He turned to his trusted hammer, Mjolnir, and asked, "What goes through cities and fields, but never moves?" Mjolnir sat silently, not even attempting to answer. Thor laughed, "Don't worry, my friend, I didn't expect you to get it. The answer is a road."

As Thor walked away, feeling quite pleased with himself, Mjolnir whispered to itself, "I may not be able to answer your riddles, Thor, but at least I don't have to wear that ridiculous helmet."

From that day on, Thor's friends and family made sure to always be prepared for his tricky questions. They may not have been able to match his strength, but they could certainly match his wits.

In the end, Thor learned that intelligence is just as important as strength, and that even the mightiest of Gods can use a little help from time to time.

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