A Royal Affair: The King and the Rose


Once upon a time, there was a king who ruled a kingdom filled with beautiful gardens and parks. One day, while on a walk in the royal gardens, the king came across a rose that was unlike any other. Its petals were a beautiful shade of pink and its scent was more fragrant than any other flower in the kingdom.

Being an admirer of beauty, the king plucked the rose and took it back to his castle. He ordered his gardener to plant it in the center of his throne room and from that day on, he would admire the rose every time he entered the room.

But as time passed, the king began to notice that the rose wasn’t as beautiful as it once was. Its petals had started to wilt and its scent was fading. The king was heartbroken and ordered his gardener to take care of the rose, but no matter what they did, the rose continued to wilt.

One day, the king decided to seek the advice of an old wise woman who lived in the forest. She told the king that the rose was a special flower that needed love and care from a special person to bloom again. The king didn’t understand what she meant by a special person, so the wise woman explained that the person who took care of the rose had to be someone who truly loved and appreciated the rose for what it was.

The king returned to his castle and realized that he had been treating the rose as a symbol of his power and wealth, instead of appreciating it for its beauty and fragrance. So, he ordered his gardener to give the rose to a young girl who lived in the village. The girl was known for her love of flowers and she took care of the rose with love and care.

As soon as the rose was in the hands of the young girl, its petals began to bloom again and its scent became even more fragrant. The king was amazed and realized that the wise woman was right, the rose needed love and care to bloom.

From that day on, the king visited the young girl every day to admire the rose and he learned to appreciate the beauty of all flowers. The kingdom became known as the kingdom of flowers and the king became known as the king of roses.

The End.

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