The King and the Tall Tale

Once upon a time, there was a king who ruled over a small kingdom with a tall castle tower. The king was a bit of a boastful man, and he loved to tell tall tales about his kingdom and his castle. He would often tell his subjects about how his castle was the tallest tower in all the land and how he could see for miles and miles from the top.

One day, a traveler came through the kingdom and heard the king's tales. The traveler was a bit skeptical, so he asked the king if he could see the tower for himself. The king, eager to show off his kingdom, agreed.

When the traveler arrived at the castle, he was amazed by the height of the tower. He climbed the stairs to the top, and when he reached the top, he saw something he didn't expect. There, sitting on a bench, was a tiny little man. The traveler was surprised and asked the man what he was doing up there.

The little man replied, "I'm the guardian of the tower. I make sure no one gets lost in the maze of stairs." The traveler was confused and asked the king about it when he returned to the bottom.

The king was taken aback and realized that he had been telling a tall tale all along. He wasn't sure how to react, so he made a joke out of it. He proclaimed that the tiny man was a new breed of king's guard, one that was small in size but big in responsibility.

From that day on, the king never boasted about the height of his tower again. Instead, he told the tale of the tiny guardian of the tower, and how he kept the kingdom safe from those who got lost in the maze of stairs. The people of the kingdom loved the story, and it quickly became a legend.

Years went by, and the king passed away. But the legend of the tiny guardian of the tower lived on, and people still tell the story to this day. And whenever someone hears it, they are reminded of the king who learned that sometimes the greatest tales are the ones that come from a little bit of humility.

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