Brown Dragon and Yellow Dragon

Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there lived two dragons. One was brown, and the other was yellow. The brown dragon was serious and strict, while the yellow dragon was silly and always played pranks.

One day, the brown dragon asked the yellow dragon to help him collect firewood for their tribe. The yellow dragon agreed, but as they walked through the forest, he couldn't resist the urge to play a joke. He snuck a whoopee cushion onto the brown dragon's seat.

When they returned to the tribe, the brown dragon sat down with a thud, and the cushion made a loud farting noise. The other dragons erupted in laughter, and the brown dragon was so surprised that he fell over. The yellow dragon couldn't stop laughing, and the brown dragon couldn't help but join in.

From that day on, the two dragons became the best of friends. They roamed the land, playing pranks and having fun. And the tribe learned that even the strictest dragon could have a sense of humor.

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