Three Headed Dragon

Once upon a time, in a far-off kingdom, there lived a three-headed dragon named Trio. Trio was unique, not only because he had three heads, but also because each head had a distinct personality.

The first head, named Harold, was grumpy and always complained. The second head, named Harry, was cheerful and always optimistic. The third head, named Harvey, was mischievous and loved to play pranks.

One day, Trio was asked to guard the kingdom's treasure. As they took their post, Harold grumbled about how boring the job was, Harry sang cheerful songs, and Harvey plotted his next prank. Suddenly, a group of knights approached, intent on stealing the treasure.

Harold breathed fire at the knights, Harry blew gusts of wind to knock them off balance, and Harvey used his tail to trip them up. The knights were no match for Trio and fled the kingdom in defeat.

The king was so impressed with Trio's bravery and quick thinking that he gave him the title of "Guardian of the Kingdom". From that day on, Trio was beloved by all and known as the most fearsome and funny dragon in all the land.

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