Funny Chat Four Friends on the Bus : 1


Once upon a time, four friends were on a bus heading to their favorite amusement park.

"I heard the roller coaster there is out of this world," said Mike.

"Yeah, I heard it's so high that you can see the entire city from the top," replied Sarah.

"I don't know how you guys can handle those things," said Tom. "I get sick just thinking about them."

"Oh, come on Tom. Live a little," said Linda.

Just then, the bus hit a pothole and Tom's stomach lurched. "Okay, maybe I'll stick to the merry-go-round," he said.

The friends laughed and continued their conversation. Suddenly, the bus driver announced, "We have a special passenger onboard today. A famous magician who will be performing a magic show for everyone on the bus."

The friends were thrilled and eagerly awaited the show. When the magician came onboard, he asked for a volunteer from the audience. Linda raised her hand and was chosen.

The magician performed a series of illusions and Linda was amazed. Suddenly, the magician made Linda disappear! The friends were shocked and searched the bus for her, but she was nowhere to be found.

Just then, Linda popped up from under a seat, laughing. "That was so funny! I can't believe he made me disappear," she said. The friends laughed and continued their journey, still in disbelief of what they just witnessed.

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