The Big Tree and the Elephants


Once upon a time, in a dense jungle, there was a big tree that towered over the other trees. It was so big, in fact, that it made the other trees look like tiny shrubs. The big tree was proud of its size, and it strutted around the jungle, showing off its size to all the other trees and animals.

One day, a group of monkeys came along and started climbing up the big tree. The big tree was pleased to have some company and was happy to show off its height to the monkeys. However, as the monkeys continued to climb higher and higher, the big tree began to feel a little nervous. It was afraid that the monkeys would reach the top and find out that it was actually just a big stick with leaves on it.

So, the big tree came up with a plan. It began to shake, making the monkeys cling to its branches for dear life. The big tree laughed as the monkeys struggled to keep their grip. The monkeys were so scared that they soon realized they were in trouble and started to climb back down as quickly as they could.

Once the monkeys were safely back on the ground, the big tree felt relieved. However, its relief was short-lived, as a group of elephants appeared in the jungle. The big tree was worried that the elephants would climb up its trunk and find out its secret. But the elephants had other plans. They wanted to use the big tree as a scratching post for their itchy backs.

The big tree was in a panic. It didn't know how to get the elephants to stop scratching its trunk. It tried to shake the elephants off, but it was too big to move them. So, the big tree had an idea. It started to grow branches from its trunk, giving the elephants plenty of places to scratch their backs. The elephants were thrilled, and the big tree was relieved that its secret was safe.

From that day forward, the big tree and the elephants became best friends. The big tree would provide the elephants with a place to scratch, and the elephants would protect the big tree from any more climbing monkeys. They lived happily ever after, and the big tree was no longer worried about its secret being revealed.

The end.

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