The Hot Stone, Symbol of Cooperation and Friendship

Once upon a time, in a far-off jungle, there lived a group of animals who were always looking for ways to beat the heat. One day, a wise old elephant came up with an idea to use a hot stone to cool down. He gathered all the animals in the jungle to discuss his plan.

The elephants were tasked with finding a giant hot stone, while the monkeys were in charge of carrying it to a nearby river. The birds were to find a tall tree to place the stone under, and the ants were responsible for keeping it in place.

Finally, the day arrived and the hot stone was placed under the tree. All the animals gathered around to enjoy its coolness. However, the mosquitoes, who were feeling left out, decided to get in on the action. They flew to the hot stone and started to drink the water that was dripping off it.

The other animals were shocked to see the mosquitoes drinking from the hot stone, but the wise old elephant had a plan. He told the mosquitoes that they could have all the water they wanted as long as they shared it with the other animals.

So, the mosquitoes and elephants worked together to make sure everyone got their fair share of the cool water. The monkeys passed cups to the animals, while the birds fanned the hot stone to make the water flow faster.

Everyone was having a great time until the sun started to set. The hot stone started to cool down, and the water stopped flowing. The mosquitoes were afraid they wouldn't have enough water for the night, but the wise old elephant had one more trick up his trunk.

He told the mosquitoes to stand on top of the hot stone and flap their wings. The heat from their bodies would keep the water flowing all night long. And so it was, the mosquitoes and elephants continued to work together to keep the cool water flowing.

From that day on, the animals in the jungle all cooperated to make sure everyone had access to the cool water from the hot stone. They learned that working together was the best way to beat the heat and enjoy life in the jungle.

In the end, the hot stone became a symbol of cooperation and friendship in the jungle, and the story of the hot stone, the mosquitoes, and the elephants was passed down from generation to generation.

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