The Cuteness of a Candle


Once upon a time, there was a candle named Freddy. Freddy was just like any other candle, except for one thing - he was always telling jokes. Freddy loved to make people laugh, and he was always cracking jokes, no matter the situation.

One day, Freddy was placed on a birthday cake for a surprise party. As the birthday song started to play, Freddy lit up with excitement. He had never been the center of attention before, and he was ready to tell some of his best jokes.

Freddy started with a classic, "Why was the math book sad? Because it had too many problems." The guests smiled and chuckled, and Freddy was off to a great start.

Next, Freddy tried a pun, "Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field." The guests laughed even harder, and Freddy was feeling on top of the world.

But then, as the birthday song came to an end, Freddy started to feel the heat. The flame grew higher and higher, and Freddy was in danger of burning out.

In a desperate attempt to save himself, Freddy started to tell jokes even faster. "Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing!" "Why did the cookie go to the doctor? Because it was feeling crumbly!"

The guests were in stitches, and Freddy was a hit. However, just as Freddy was about to tell his final joke, he flickered out and went dark.

The guests were disappointed, but they all agreed that Freddy was the best birthday candle they had ever seen. And even though he was no longer lit, Freddy's jokes lived on, bringing laughter and joy to those who remembered him.

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