The Great Snack Adventure


It was a busy day in the kingdom, and King Herbert was rushing to get to a meeting with the royal council. He was so focused on getting there on time that he forgot to eat breakfast. As he was walking down the hallway, his stomach started to rumble loudly. He realized that he wouldn't make it through the meeting without some sustenance.

King Herbert quickly turned around and headed to the kitchen. He looked in the refrigerator and all he could find was a lone piece of cheese. Not wanting to be rude and eat in front of the council, he decided to take the cheese with him to the meeting and sneak a bite when no one was looking.

When he arrived at the meeting, he was greeted by a table full of food. His eyes lit up and he couldn't wait to dive in. However, as he reached for a piece of bread, he remembered the cheese in his pocket. He quickly pulled it out and took a bite, only to realize that it was a week old and had grown mold.

King Herbert tried to discreetly throw the cheese away, but it was too late. The council members had already caught a whiff of it and were wrinkling their noses in disgust. The king tried to explain that he had forgotten to eat breakfast and was just trying to hold himself over, but the council members were not having it.

The meeting continued with King Herbert trying his best to ignore his rumbling stomach and the council members trying not to gag from the smell of the cheese. It was a disaster.

After the meeting, King Herbert realized that he needed to take better care of himself and make sure he had time to eat a proper meal. He decided to appoint a royal snack taster to make sure he never had to go through the embarrassment of the cheese incident again.

The kingdom laughed and joked about the great snack adventure for weeks to come. King Herbert learned his lesson and never forgot to eat breakfast again. And the royal snack taster lived happily ever after, taste testing all of the king's snacks to ensure they were fit for royalty.

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