Zebra Cross?

Once upon a time, in a busy city, there was a zebra crossing where all the zebras would cross the road to get to the other side. It was a well-known fact that the zebras were very strict about following the rules of the road and only crossing at the designated zebra crossing.

One day, a little bird was flying over the city and saw the zebras crossing the road. The bird thought it would be funny to play a trick on the zebras, so it flew down and started to hop across the road in front of them.

The zebras were shocked! They had never seen a bird crossing the road before and didn't know what to do. They stopped in their tracks and looked at each other, unsure of what to do next.

Just then, a car approached the crossing and the driver honked their horn, trying to get the zebras to move. But the zebras were too busy looking at the bird and didn't even notice the car.

The driver was getting frustrated, and just as they were about to get out of their car and chase the bird away, the bird suddenly flew off, leaving the zebras confused and the driver even more frustrated.

From that day forward, the zebras told the story of the funny little bird who had caused a commotion at the zebra crossing, and they always kept a watchful eye out for any strange creatures trying to cross the road.

And so, the little bird learned that even the smallest actions can have big consequences, and the zebras learned to appreciate the power of a good laugh, even in the middle of a busy city.

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