A Small Mouse and The Big Wall


Once upon a time, there was a small kingdom surrounded by a big wall. The wall was so tall and wide that no one could see what was on the other side. The people of the kingdom were curious about what lay beyond the wall, but they were too scared to try and find out.

One day, a small mouse named Max decided he was going to solve the mystery of the big wall. Max was a brave mouse and wasn't afraid of anything. So, he set off on his journey, determined to find out what lay beyond the wall.

As Max approached the wall, he realized just how big it was. He tried to climb it, but it was too tall. He tried to dig under it, but it was too deep. He tried to gnaw through it, but it was too hard. Max was starting to get discouraged.

Just then, he had a brilliant idea. He would climb to the top of the wall on the back of a friendly pigeon. The pigeon agreed to help Max and together they set off to the top of the wall.

When they finally made it to the top, Max was in for a big surprise. On the other side of the wall was a beautiful park filled with green grass and colorful flowers. There were also hundreds of pigeons, just like the one that had helped Max, flying around and enjoying the sunshine.

Max was so happy that he had finally solved the mystery of the big wall. He thanked the pigeon for helping him and decided to make the park his new home.

And so, the people of the kingdom learned that sometimes the things we are afraid of are actually beautiful and worth exploring. And Max, the small brave mouse, became known as the mouse who conquered the big wall.

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