The Little Genius: How a Girl Outsmarted a Professor

The Little Genius: How a Girl Outsmarted a Professor
Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a little girl named Lily. She was known for her intelligence and quick wit. One day, a professor visited the village to conduct a science experiment. He claimed that no one in the village could outsmart him.

Lily was intrigued and decided to take up the challenge. She approached the professor and said, "I accept your challenge, but on one condition. If I win, you have to give me a prize."

The professor agreed, thinking that it would be easy to outsmart a little girl. The challenge was to mix two chemicals together and create a chemical reaction that would turn a piece of paper into gold. The professor mixed the chemicals together and waited for the reaction, but nothing happened.

Lily stepped up to the plate and asked the professor for a piece of paper. She took out a pen and drew a circle on the paper, dividing it into four sections. She then took one of the chemicals and put a drop in each section of the circle. She waited a few minutes, and the paper turned gold.

The professor was amazed and asked her how she did it. Lily explained that the chemicals were acidic and basic, and when mixed, they canceled each other out. She had used the circle to keep the chemicals from mixing.

The professor was impressed and awarded Lily the prize he had promised. From that day on, the villagers called her the Little Genius, and she became famous for outsmarting the professor.

The professor left the village, scratching his head, wondering how he had been outsmarted by a little girl. He vowed to never underestimate anyone, no matter how small or young they may be.

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