The Unopenable Door

 The Unopenable DoorOnce upon a time, there was a man named Budi who lived in a small house. Budi had a door in his house that he could not open, no matter how hard he tried. He had tried everything from kicking it, pushing it, and even using a crowbar, but the door remained firmly shut.

One day, Budi was so frustrated with the unopenable door that he decided to seek help. He went to his neighbor, Ibu Sari, who was known for her expertise in fixing things around the neighborhood.

Ibu Sari took a look at the door and tried all sorts of things, but to no avail. She even called in a handyman, but he was unable to open the door as well. They all gave up and suggested that Budi should just leave the door be.

But Budi couldn't accept that. He couldn't live with a door that he couldn't open. So, he started to research about unopenable doors online. He spent hours browsing forums, looking for a solution.

Finally, he came across a website that claimed to have the answer to all his problems. The website suggested that he should try rubbing the door with a bar of soap, and the door would magically open.

Budi was skeptical, but he was also desperate. So, he tried the method, and to his surprise, the door opened! He was ecstatic, jumping and dancing with joy.

However, as soon as he entered the room, he realized that there was nothing in there except for a single bar of soap. He had been fooled!

Feeling silly, Budi decided to play a prank on his neighbor, Ibu Sari. He called her over and told her that he had finally found a way to open the door. She was skeptical at first but agreed to come over.

Budi pretended to rub the door with the bar of soap, and just as he had hoped, Ibu Sari fell for it. She was amazed to see the door open, and Budi couldn't help but laugh at her reaction.

From that day on, Budi and Ibu Sari became the best of friends, sharing many laughs about the unopenable door and the silly soap trick. And although the door remained unexplainably difficult to open, Budi was happy knowing that he had found a way to open it, even if it was just for laughs.

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