A Giant and a Bird

Once upon a time, in a kingdom filled with tall mountains and rolling hills, there lived a giant named Bart. Bart was the biggest giant in the kingdom and he loved to smoke his giant-sized cigar. He would sit on top of the highest hill and blow smoke rings into the air, watching them disappear into the clouds.
One day, Bart was feeling particularly playful and decided to blow a smoke ring right into the face of a passing bird. But as the smoke ring hit the bird, it expanded and enveloped the bird, making it disappear completely!

Bart was shocked and didn't know what to do. He was about to leave in search of the bird when he heard a small voice calling out for help. He looked down and saw a tiny bird with a broken wing, trapped in the smoke ring.

Bart quickly blew out the smoke and the bird appeared in front of him, coughing and wheezing. Bart felt guilty and promised to help the bird.

He went to the nearby village and found a wise old owl who told him to write a letter to the king asking for help. Bart was nervous about writing the letter, but he didn't have a pen big enough for his giant hand.

Just then, a man named Pencil walked by and offered to lend Bart his pen. The pen was small, but it was magical and could write anything. Bart quickly wrote the letter to the king and with the help of the magic pen, the king received the letter and sent his best knights to help the bird.

The bird was saved and Bart learned the importance of being kind and helping others, no matter how big or small they are. He also learned that sometimes the smallest things can make the biggest difference. From that day on, Bart never blew smoke into anyone's face again and he kept the magic pen as a reminder of the adventure.

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