Trying to Make the Cat Happy


Once upon a time, there was a curious cat named Whiskers who lived in a small house with its owner. One day, as the owner was getting ready to leave for work, Whiskers noticed something odd. The owner was taking a lot longer than usual to get dressed and kept sneaking glances at the cat.

Finally, the owner opened the door and called out to Whiskers. "Surprise!" they said, holding out their hand for a high-five. Whiskers, being a cat and not understanding human gestures, was taken aback. The owner was still trying to high-five the cat when they finally realized their mistake.

Feeling a bit silly, the owner sat down with Whiskers and explained that they were just trying to make the cat happy. Whiskers, being the forgiving type, gave the owner a little nuzzle to show that there were no hard feelings.

From that day forward, the owner made a habit of surprising Whiskers every once in a while, just to make the cat smile. Whiskers loved these little surprises, and the two became the best of friends.

And that's the story of how a simple surprise turned into a funny and heartwarming friendship between a cat and its owner.

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