I Wish I Could

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Sarah who lived in a small village. She was always making wishes and hoping for them to come true. One day, she wished she could fly. To her surprise, she suddenly found herself floating in the air.

Sarah was so excited and began to fly all around the village, greeting everyone she met along the way. But as she flew higher and higher, she noticed something strange. The more she flew, the heavier she felt. Suddenly, she realized that she was being weighed down by all the coins she had in her pockets.

Sarah quickly realized that her wish had come true but with a twist. She had asked to fly but forgot to mention that she wanted to fly with ease and not be weighed down by anything.

Feeling embarrassed and frustrated, Sarah flew back to her house and tried to think of a solution. She then decided to go to the wise old wizard in the village to seek his help.

When she explained her problem to the wizard, he burst out laughing and said, "My dear child, you should always be specific when making a wish." He then handed her a magical pen and told her to make a new wish, this time being specific about everything she wanted.

Sarah took the pen and made a new wish, asking to fly without any weights or limitations. To her delight, she found herself soaring in the air with ease and freedom. She then went around the village, spreading joy and happiness wherever she went.

From that day on, Sarah learned to always be specific when making a wish and to never forget the details. She lived a happy life, flying and spreading happiness wherever she went.

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