The Golden Carriage: A Comical Tale of Extravagance and Misfortune

The Golden Carriage: A Comical Tale of Extravagance and Misfortune
Once upon a time, there was a wealthy king who owned a beautiful golden wheeled carriage. He loved to take it out for a spin around the kingdom, showing off his wealth to all the peasants.

One day, he decided to take the carriage out for a ride through the countryside. He instructed his driver to take him down a bumpy dirt road, as he wanted to test the quality of the carriage's suspension.

As they bounced along the road, they suddenly hit a large pothole. The jolt was so strong that the golden wheels of the carriage came off and went flying through the air.

The king was furious, as the wheels were worth a fortune. He ordered his men to search the countryside for the wheels and to bring them back immediately.

After several hours of searching, one of the men returned with the wheels. However, he had a puzzled look on his face.

"Your Majesty," he said, "I found the wheels in a nearby field, and they were surrounded by a group of cows. But when I approached, the cows started mooing and wouldn't let me near the wheels."

The king was perplexed, but determined to get his wheels back. He ordered his men to try and scare the cows away, but they wouldn't budge.

Finally, a wise old peasant came along and offered to help. He approached the cows and whispered something in their ears. Suddenly, the cows dispersed and the man was able to retrieve the wheels.

The king was amazed and asked the old peasant what he had said to the cows. The peasant replied, "I just told them that if they didn't move, they'd be pulling the carriage from now on."

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